brush off 11.52   Buhler brushed off such talk.
  brush with 11.45   Brush with oil.
  brush against 4.94   Brushing against a stove.
  brush on 4.94   Brush on onion slices.
  brush past 4.34   A herd of sheep brushed past us.
  brush over 1.45   Brush over the ribs.
  brush by 1.38   The storm had brushed by Bermuda.
  brush in 1.32   Some pros first roll it on, then brush it in.
  brush at 0.79   He brushed at it irritably.
  brush into 0.72   Her hair was snow-white and brushed back into a neat bun.
  brush onto 0.72   Brush onto tops of cookies.
  brush to 0.59   Another remembered his gray hair, brushed to the side.
  brush out 0.53   We brushed out the dog again.
  brush across 0.46   He lowered his head and his warm mouth brushed across hers.
  brush from 0.46   Her hair was brushed back from her face.
  brush through 0.39   I brushed through a group of Mexicans and broke into a run.
  brush along 0.33   Brushed along the northeast and southeast coastal sections.
  brush for 0.33   I vacuumed and brushed for another hour.
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