broker agreement 7.57   The agreement was brokered by Norway.
  broker deal 6.91   Lawyers broker the deal.
  broker cease-fire 6.39   Norway brokered the cease-fire.
  broker talk 5.07   Albright would broker the talks.
  broker ceasefire 4.15   The Soviet Union brokers a ceasefire.
  broker compromise 3.75   Sometimes the PUC brokers a compromise.
  broker peace 3.55   Norway has been trying to broker a peace for two years.
  broker truce 3.55   The truce was brokered by Norway.
  broker settlement 2.50   Russia has a genuine stake in brokering a settlement on Kosovo.
  broker end 2.44   Kamkoff said he was trying to broker an end to the dispute.
  broker accord 1.65   Egypt helped broker the accord.
  broker solution 1.45   Some allies want a diplomatic solution brokered by Russia.
  broker meeting 1.12   The place to broker a meeting of the minds was behind closed doors.
  broker sale 1.05   Brokering the sale of Chagall paintings, he became a multimillionaire.
  broker negotiation 0.92   NATO is trying to broker negotiations between Belgrade and Musliu.
  broker resumption 0.53   He has been trying to broker a resumption of talks between Syria and Israel at chief-of-staff or ambassador level.
  broker pact 0.46   The pact was brokered by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
  broker treaty 0.39   The treaty was brokered by the United States, Brazil, Argentina and Chile.
  broker plan 0.33   Evans was the key architect of the UN brokered plan that brought UN-run elections to Cambodia last year.
  broker release 0.33   They said a member of the Saudi royal family brokered his release from prison and exile to Saudi Arabia.
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