brisk business 14.48   He says he does a brisk business.
  brisk wind 13.10   But a brisk wind Monday helped dry the mud.
  brisk pace 7.04   She walked at a brisk pace.
  brisk sale 7.04   Not that brisk sales are guaranteed.
  brisk breeze 5.13   A brisk breeze will add to the chill.
  brisk growth 4.48   And that requires brisk economic growth.
  brisk walk 3.75   It can be a brisk walk after lunch.
  brisk trade 2.57   They have, it seems, been doing a brisk trade.
  brisk demand 2.17   The peso weakened because of brisk corporate demand for dollars, traders said.
  brisk day 0.86   On this brisk day, a plane is pulling a glider up above the peak.
  brisk job 0.66   Brisk job growth is usually a sign for investors to sell bonds.
  brisk start 0.66   The Committee got off to a brisk start at its first meeting.
  brisk export 0.59   Samsung Corp. attributed the high rise to brisk exports.
  brisk clip 0.53   Although housing starts fell last month, they continued at a brisk clip.
  brisk market 0.53   There is a brisk market in old movie posters.
  brisk expansion 0.46   The state is just now emerging into a brisk expansion, more than two years after the rest of the country.
  brisk morning 0.46   Ash blew along the front, driven by a brisk morning breeze.
  brisk air 0.39   Her brow knits, and she stabs the brisk October air with a finger.
  brisk rate 0.39   Growth projections like these and relatively cheap start-up costs are attracting entrepreneurs at a brisk rate.
  brisk flow 0.33   Farther north, a brisk flow of air from the Pacific will promote scattered showers across the Northwest.
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