brief reporter 13.17   Delegates briefed reporters afterward.
  brief leader 3.69   Union leaders were briefed.
  brief official 3.69   A CIA official says two FBI officials were briefed on Almihdhar.
  brief member 3.09   Mueller briefed members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
  brief room 2.90   The State Department briefing room it is not.
  brief president 2.83   Berger says he briefed the president.
  brief council 2.30   Annan briefed the council Monday on the report.
  brief journalist 1.71   The two briefed journalists on the latest U-S report on illegal drugs.
  brief press 1.58   He is expected to brief the press later.
  brief group 1.12   He said he also intended to begin briefing neighborhood groups.
  brief minister 1.12   The ministers were briefed by top army commanders.
  brief ambassador 0.99   They were briefing NATO ambassadors Wednesday.
  brief envoy 0.99   NATO briefed Russian envoys on the deal.
  brief lawmaker 0.99   Dafenbaugh briefed lawmakers on Tuesday.
  brief medium 0.79   Lawyers are allowed to brief the media outside.
  brief ally 0.72   State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said U.S. ambassadors briefed allies.
  brief meeting 0.72   UNSCOM officials were due to brief the meeting.
  brief staff 0.72   Annan briefed U.N. staff on the changes Thursday.
  brief team 0.72   And every team was briefed.
  brief analyst 0.59   He and other TI executives briefed analysts three weeks ago.
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