bribery scandal 27.52   You mean the bribery scandal?
  bribery charge 17.58   Bribery charges are pending.
  bribery allegation 7.24   Baksh denied the bribery allegations.
  bribery case 4.48   Two sentenced in high-profile bribery case.
  bribery conviction 1.58   Bribery convictions are not punishable by caning.
  bribery trial 1.38   Their bribery trial is set for June.
  bribery investigation 1.32   Officials said the bribery investigation would continue.
  bribery accusation 1.12   Pickens has denied the bribery accusations.
  bribery scheme 1.12   That name turned out to be a fictitious identity Calvi used in unrelated bribery schemes.
  bribery attempt 0.99   The bribery attempt was reported by the referee.
  bribery claim 0.59   Lee has maintained that the bribery claim is unfounded.
  bribery statute 0.59   Wachtel appealed and again raised the issue of the bribery statute.
  bribery count 0.53   Sam dismissed four bribery counts in July.
  bribery offer 0.53   He has admitted hearing rumors about the bribery offer but said he warned party officials not to accept any money.
  bribery law 0.46   The defense contends that bribery law, meant to fight commercial kickback schemes, was misapplied.
  bribery conspiracy 0.33   Welch and Johnson await trial on federal charges of leading a bribery conspiracy.
  bribery affair 0.26   The Salim Malik bribery affair clouded the Pakistan tour of Australia.
  bribery issue 0.26   McCollum, who first raised the bribery issue, contended the facts were quite strong.
  bribery probe 0.26   Premier Silvio Berlusconi is placed under investigation Tuesday in a bribery probe of his media empire.
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