bribe official 5.40   Chung has a record of bribing government officials.
  bribe way 3.03   Others bribe their way out.
  bribe inspector 1.38   Santo was convicted of bribing tax inspectors in Italy.
  bribe congressman 1.25   The tape showed Montesinos apparently bribing a congressman.
  bribe judge 1.05   She was arrested for attempting to bribe a judge.
  bribe voter 1.05   There were several reports of attempts to bribe voters.
  bribe member 0.92   Welch has repeatedly denied any attempt to bribe IOC members.
  bribe witness 0.92   He is also charged with bribing a witness.
  bribe guard 0.86   Lopez escaped, allegedly by bribing a guard.
  bribe politician 0.86   Lerner was also accused of trying to bribe Israeli politicians.
  bribe referee 0.86   The club was found guilty of trying to bribe a referee.
  bribe player 0.79   Malaysian authorities are drawing up plans to hunt down foreign bookmakers who have bribed local players.
  bribe police 0.79   Others simply bribed police for special permits.
  bribe people 0.46   They bribe the people.
  bribe officer 0.39   Police said they arrested two people who attempted to bribe officers.
  bribe authority 0.33   Berlusconi is accused of having bribed tax authorities in connection with audits of Fininvest companies.
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