breeding program 5.79   Good breeding programs were ignored.
  breeding season 4.08   Was there a definite breeding season?
  breeding stock 3.03   I am carefully selecting the breeding stock.
  breeding area 1.97   Indoors, all potential hiding and breeding areas should be eliminated.
  breeding pair 1.71   Each summer, they find about thirty five new breeding pairs.
  breeding farm 1.65   He also operates breeding farms in Ontario, Kentucky and Florida.
  breeding technique 1.38   The idea came from research into other saltwater fish breeding techniques.
  breeding colony 1.32   It may once have been a pterosaur breeding colony.
  breeding programme 1.25   The thefts are ruining breeding programmes.
  breeding population 0.99   The only remaining breeding population is in the Adelaide zoo.
  breeding purpose 0.99   It means determining the gender for breeding purposes.
  breeding site 0.99   The largest known breeding site is in Mexico.
  breeding shed 0.86   And after he was retired to the breeding shed, his reputation only grew.
  breeding center 0.79   A gene data bank and artificial breeding center are also planned.
  breeding cycle 0.72   The entire breeding cycle consumes nine months.
  breeding facility 0.72   When that wolf is captured, it also will be returned to the New Mexico captive breeding facility.
  breeding method 0.72   They also provide much greater uniformity than is possible with strains derived from conventional plant breeding methods.
  breeding age 0.66   Yaku, who is nearing breeding age, will become the only male in Chicago.
  breeding bird 0.66   Breeding birds were counted at different distances from the corridor edge.
  breeding business 0.66   But he got out of the breeding business early, he said.
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