borrow money 75.58   Do I need to borrow money?
  borrow cost 6.85   They also reduce companies borrowing costs.
  borrow fund 5.27   This is yet another faet borrowing funds.
  borrow share 4.81   A short-seller borrows shares of a stock, then sells them.
  borrow idea 2.83   OS X has plainly borrowed some ideas from Windows.
  borrow car 2.76   I can always borrow a car.
  borrow stock 2.50   Short sellers borrow stock on the expectation it will drop.
  borrow page 2.24   The stock market may be borrowing a page from British history.
  borrow book 1.91   Can I borrow some books?
  borrow rate 1.71   It can influence a range of business and consumer borrowing rates.
  borrow phrase 1.58   To borrow a phrase, it was just that simple.
  borrow security 1.58   But they need to borrow Treasury securities to do this.
  borrow sum 1.45   I was able to persuade them to borrow large sums of money and speculate.
  borrow rest 1.32   The rest he borrowed.
  borrow amount 1.18   The government will have to borrow vast amounts of money.
  borrow cash 1.18   They are taking a risk in borrowing the cash.
  borrow lot 1.12   We have to borrow a lot.
  borrow billion 0.99   New Jersey borrows billions, goes deeper in debt.
  borrow dollar 0.92   So it borrowed dollars instead.
  borrow currency 0.86   Ordinarily, the city might borrow Western currency elsewhere.
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