borrow buy 2.11   Margin debt is money investors borrow to buy stocks.
  borrow pay 1.65   The paper borrowed to pay wages in November.
  borrow finance 1.51   They have borrowed to finance mergers.
  borrow build 0.39   The Asian governments, in complicity with corporations, borrowed to build capacity.
  borrow cover 0.39   Companies also found themselves unable to borrow to cover short-term servicing obligations.
  borrow make 0.39   They live in debt and need to borrow to make it from year to year.
  borrow meet 0.39   While the city must not undertake unnecessary borrowing, it must be able to borrow to meet needs that are real.
  borrow expand 0.33   Son, though, is aggressive in borrowing to expand his empire.
  borrow use 0.26   It is possible to borrow money using this undertaking, or promise to pay, as security.
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