bored housewife 0.46   In the past, bored housewives remained bored.
  bored child 0.39   Bored children braid them.
  bored soldier 0.39   On the day I visited, there were only two or three bored soldiers and a ticket-salesman.
  bored kid 0.33   The scheme keeps bored kids off the streets.
  bored youngster 0.33   He says that bored youngsters turn to crime -- joy riding cars etc.
  bored clerk 0.26   Nearby, a Canadian couple wandered past bored clerks at the Plaza Caracol Mall.
  bored journalist 0.26   The concentration of bored journalists has given Peruvians an outlet for a variety of frustrations.
  bored teenager 0.26   Bored teenagers with an aptitude for getting into trouble.
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