boost profit 1.78   Lower spending helped boost profit, the company said.
  boost earnings 1.51   Those kinds of numbers should boost earnings, bulls say.
  boost price 1.12   Overseas buying helped boost prices earlier today, traders said.
  boost demand 0.99   As inflation drops, they say domestic demand a boost.
  boost sale 0.59   With more representatives on board, Avon stands to further boost sales.
  boost export 0.46   A weak yen often help boosts Japanese exports.
  boost consumer 0.39   The changes are designed to lower business costs and boost consumer spending, helping economic growth.
  boost growth 0.39   Lower rates help boost growth as companies are able to borrow money more cheaply.
  boost production 0.33   He called on industrialised nations to provide funds and technology to help the developing world boost food production.
  boost bond 0.26   The decline in sales could provide a boost outstanding bonds.
  boost efficiency 0.26   Still, assuming Freightliner can costs and boost efficiency, the acquisition is a good move, Buckland said.
  boost revenue 0.26   Boost revenues is another good reason, Koeneke said.
  boost supply 0.26   The slower pace comes as a seasonal lull in demand that helped boost supplies is almost over.
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