boom be 10.47   And the boom was on.
  boom continue 2.04   Will the boom continue?
  boom have 1.97   But the boom has dark sides.
  boom come 1.71   The boom never came.
  boom begin 1.32   The boom has already begun.
  boom bring 1.18   The merger boom brought First Boston to prominence.
  boom end 1.12   The Colombian soccer boom effectively had ended.
  boom go_bust 1.05   A celebrity boom can go bust.
  boom help 0.99   The boom has helped the entire nation.
  boom create 0.92   The boom has created job opportunities.
  boom turn 0.92   But the boom turned bust last year.
  boom give 0.86   Booms give way to busts overnight.
  boom last 0.86   The boom may not last.
  boom make 0.86   The skatepark boom may have made the sport safer.
  boom go 0.59   But for now, the boom goes on.
  boom take 0.59   The boom is taking place against a backdrop of economic uncertainty.
  boom leave 0.53   The long boom has left the Valley under strain.
  boom mean 0.53   A bigger boom does not mean a better movie.
  boom slow 0.53   But, he warned, the boom likely will slow.
  boom cause 0.46   The boom has caused some strains.
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