bomb in 47.27   He refused to bomb in Bosnia.
  bomb of 35.88   Bombing of the church in Birmingham.
  bomb on 6.91   The play bombed on Broadway.
  bomb at 6.85   It bombed at the boxoffice.
  bomb by 5.20   Congolese rebels report bombing by Zimbabwean planes.
  bomb during 2.44   Before he was just an enemy who bombed us during the war.
  bomb as 2.24   Kabul airport bombed as fighting rages north of capital.
  bomb near 2.04   Three die in train bombing near New Delhi.
  bomb with 2.04   From then on he bombed with accuracy.
  bomb from 1.71   Turkey Hopeful Of Obtaining Cluster Bombs From U.S.
  bomb for 1.38   Religious leaders seek halt to bombing for Easter.
  bomb to 1.38   Grozny was being bombed to ruins.
  bomb against 1.18   It was the second bombing against a religious target in two weeks.
  bomb outside 0.99   New U.S. bombing outside besieged northern city.
  bomb since 0.72   It was the first bombing since August.
  bomb over 0.59   To encourage Russian and Chinese cooperation, NATO may need to cut back on bombing over Serbia itself for now.
  bomb without 0.59   The Taliban troops endured nearly five weeks of U.S. bombing without suffering any major losses.
  bomb across 0.53   Robins bombed across the highway only a few feet above its surface.
  bomb before 0.53   This town has been bombed before.
  bomb despite 0.53   It came three days after President Boris Yeltsin demanded to know why the city was being bombed despite his orders to halt.
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