bomb attack 106.98   In wake of attempted bomb attack...
  bomb threat 53.32   Bomb threat received last week.
  bomb blast 42.33   The bomb blast killed eight people.
  bomb squad 24.88   The bomb squad was called.
  bomb expert 24.29   Bomb disposal experts exploded the device.
  bomb explosion 21.46   He was killed in a bomb explosion.
  bomb shelter 20.08   A bomb shelter!
  bomb scare 14.42   Bomb scare?
  bomb site 9.28   He looked at the bomb site.
  bomb alert 7.70   Grand National canceled after bomb alert.
  bomb factory 7.37   Palestinians say they discover bomb factory.
  bomb plot 5.46   Militia leaders indicted in bomb plot.
  bomb crater 4.41   My first playground was a bomb crater.
  bomb maker 3.62   It follows the death of a Hamas bomb maker.
  bomb damage 3.49   Report also includes pictures of bomb damage.
  bomb warning 3.16   The bomb warning had a galvanic effect.
  bomb hoax 3.03   Bomb hoaxes are rare in Switzerland.
  bomb material 2.90   A light-water reactor produces far less bomb material.
  bomb team 2.50   A bomb disposal team made the grenade safe.
  bomb officer 2.44   Bomb squad officers were at the scene.
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