blur line 14.35   He blurs the lines.
  blur distinction 6.39   It is easy to blur such distinctions.
  blur vision 3.49   Blurred vision.
  blur boundary 1.84   But morph may already be blurring its boundaries.
  blur image 0.72   His coaching image is blurred.
  blur face 0.66   His face was blurred to protect identification.
  blur border 0.59   But globalization has blurred the borders.
  blur difference 0.46   The show blurs the difference between education and entertainment.
  blur edge 0.33   Its very vitality blurs its edges.
  blur identity 0.33   National identities are blurred and blended.
  blur issue 0.33   The vastness blurs the issue of personal culpability.
  blur picture 0.33   Because the picture was blurred, he did not recognize it as a new one, however.
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