bloodied body 2.11   A simple cross stands where his bloodied body was found.
  bloodied face 1.78   Several marchers were seen with bloodied faces.
  bloodied hand 1.05   Bloodied hands need to be washed.
  bloodied victim 0.79   Then he began hearing the desperate cries for help and seeing the bloodied victims.
  bloodied corpse 0.59   One man hid among bloodied corpses.
  bloodied child 0.46   A bloodied child lay limp in the arms of a weeping rescuer.
  bloodied nose 0.46   Watching this organizing committee learn by bloodied nose has been excruciating.
  bloodied floor 0.33   Blood splattered the walls, and splintered chunks of pews rested on the bloodied floor.
  bloodied man 0.33   Rescuers helped bloodied men in business suits.
  bloodied shirt 0.33   When they emerged and saw crewmen in bloodied shirts, the two made a run for it.
  bloodied survivor 0.33   Some bloodied survivors were sitting next to the tracks screaming.
  bloodied bandage 0.26   Many of them wore bloodied bandages wrapped around their heads.
  bloodied clothes 0.26   The scene was littered with bloodied clothes and schoolbags.
  bloodied clothing 0.26   Bloodied clothing and papers lay scattered around.
  bloodied lip 0.26   I mumbled through bloodied lips.
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