blood be 21.13   Was I bleeding?
  blood flow 5.66   Blood flows.
  blood stain 2.76   The blood still stained the wooden walls.
  blood run 2.50   His blood ran cold.
  blood come 2.04   Young blood is coming.
  blood boil 1.71   He knows how your blood boils.
  blood pour 1.58   Blood was pouring from his nose.
  blood drip 1.38   The eye swelled and blood dripped into it.
  blood begin 1.18   Then the blood begins to flow.
  blood go 1.18   All my blood went to my toes.
  blood have 1.18   But cord blood has its limitations.
  blood rush 1.18   Our blood rushed from our heads to our feet.
  blood clot 1.12   Blood clots?
  blood seep 1.12   Blood seeps from every orifice.
  blood spurt 1.05   Blood spurts.
  blood circulate 0.92   Blood circulates around the body.
  blood contain 0.92   The blood contained the AIDS virus.
  blood ooze 0.92   Crimson blood oozes out.
  blood start 0.86   The blood started boiling.
  blood become 0.79   Giving blood has become a part of my lifestyle.
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