blocked shot
11.85 |
We saw some blocked shots tonight. |
blocked artery
8.23 |
No blocked arteries were discovered. |
blocked road
3.82 |
Blocked roads hampered the rescue efforts. |
blocked punt
3.75 |
A blocked punt. |
blocked kick
1.65 |
The key play was a blocked kick. |
blocked site
1.05 |
The list of blocked sites is updated weekly. |
blocked street
0.92 |
Officers armed with machine guns barricaded blocked streets around the embassies. |
blocked traffic
0.86 |
In nearby Nantou, the storm flooded rivers and landslides blocked traffic. |
blocked access
0.72 |
Police blocked access to the area and searched for other bombs. |
blocked heart
0.53 |
He had a blocked heart valve. |
blocked account
0.39 |
Swiss officials declined to identify the owner or the bank or say how much money was in the blocked account. |
blocked field-goal
0.39 |
Parcells did not want to risk a blocked field-goal attempt of his own, and called for a pass. |
blocked intersection
0.39 |
Rumors spread through the crowd at the blocked intersection. |
blocked vessel
0.39 |
An emergency procedure was performed by Dr. Brian Herman to open two blocked vessels, Le said. |
blocked chimney
0.33 |
In all heating systems, a blocked chimney can let smoke back into a house. |
blocked drain
0.33 |
He can clear blocked drains. |
blocked highway
0.33 |
Authorities also reported some blocked highways in the central Andes mountain region. |
blocked intestine
0.33 |
Edwards has been in hospital in Victoria, suffering from a blocked intestine. |
blocked point
0.33 |
There was a blocked extra point. |
blocked door
0.26 |
Police rescued the group after shooting Neale through a blocked door. |