blockade be 4.15   There is no blockade.
  blockade continue 1.18   The reservists said their blockade would continue all night.
  blockade prevent 0.86   The blockades have also prevented imports and exports, paralyzing the economy.
  blockade begin 0.72   It could take several days before the blockade begins.
  blockade cause 0.59   The blockade is causing shortages in sectors of the Portuguese economy.
  blockade go 0.46   The blockade has been going on for three days.
  blockade remain 0.46   Other potential blockades remain as well.
  blockade snarl 0.46   In the capital Belgrade, traffic was snarled by blockades at key intersections.
  blockade cripple 0.39   The blockade has crippled the local economy.
  blockade have 0.39   Before that incident, the blockade had almost a carnival atmosphere.
  blockade last 0.33   The daily blockades generally last a few hours.
  blockade make 0.33   But some Canadian officials worry that the ferry blockade will make matters worse.
  blockade paralyze 0.33   The blockades paralyzed much of the country and wrought havoc elsewhere in Europe.
  blockade affect 0.26   In addition, the blockade affected the supplying of opposition forces besieging Kabul.
  blockade create 0.26   Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said the blockade created widespread resentment.
  blockade cut 0.26   Israeli tank blockades on Thursday cut the Gaza Strip into three parts, the army said.
  blockade follow 0.26   The Israeli blockade of Jenin followed a suicide bombing in the Israeli city of Nahariya on Sunday.
  blockade force 0.26   These blockades force patients and staff to run a gantlet of intimidation and harassment.
  blockade keep 0.26   The blockade has kept tens of thousands of Palestinian laborers from jobs inside Israel.
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