blatant attempt 2.90   It was a blatant attempt to hide the truth.
  blatant violation 1.38   Others say it lacks the clout to stop even blatant violations.
  blatant discrimination 1.12   Talk about blatant discrimination.
  blatant example 0.92   The blatant example of Stalin has vividly shown the world this.
  blatant disregard 0.79   Was the verdict rendered in blatant disregard of the evidence?
  blatant racism 0.79   But outward, blatant racism or friction?
  blatant lie 0.72   It was obviously a blatant lie.
  blatant act 0.59   It was a blatant act of political expediency.
  blatant corruption 0.53   Blatant corruption is only a small part of the problem.
  blatant case 0.46   It was a blatant case of political suppression.
  blatant fraud 0.46   It was amazingly blatant fraud.
  blatant abuse 0.39   School officials and administrators said there were too many safeguards, including the contract requirements, to permit blatant abuses.
  blatant attack 0.39   Strategists and pollsters in both parties said voters appear far less tolerant of blatant attacks.
  blatant effort 0.39   It was seen as a blatant effort to diffuse an issue that might hurt his brother.
  blatant manipulation 0.39   Some investors were angry at what they perceived to be a blatant manipulation of the market.
  blatant appeal 0.33   And in a blatant appeal to the young and heavy-footed, Plymouth will offer the Prowler, an update of the custom street rods of the past.
  blatant favoritism 0.33   Mostly, it has been marked by blatant favoritism and multiple abuses.
  blatant disrespect 0.26   His blatant disrespect for democratic procedures has raised campaign reform to a higher level of public awareness.
  blatant drug 0.26   Other modern touches include blatant drug addiction and hints of lesbianism.
  blatant error 0.26   Reporters at Asahi Shimbun, a major national daily, are drilled to watch for common blatant errors.
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