blame attack 29.49   He blamed the attack on Israel.
  blame government 16.26   But he blamed the government.
  blame rebel 14.88   Authorities blame Kurdish rebels.
  blame death 12.57   One death was blamed on the outage.
  blame problem 12.57   It blamed internal problems.
  blame loss 9.74   No one blames this loss on you.
  blame lack 9.28   He blamed lack of funds.
  blame group 8.43   Jewish leaders blamed fascist groups.
  blame delay 8.10   He blamed the delay on the union.
  blame decline 7.77   Japanese traders blame the decline on Hong Kong.
  blame accident 6.98   Police blamed the accident on fog.
  blame violence 6.52   Sharon blames the violence on Arafat.
  blame failure 6.19   You can blame the failure on Clinton.
  blame killing 6.19   Both killings were blamed on the LTTE.
  blame leader 6.06   The Turks hey blame their leaders.
  blame medium 5.86   Blame the media.
  blame militant 5.86   They blamed militants.
  blame police 5.79   They blame police for the destruction.
  blame bombing 5.53   The bombings were blamed on rebels.
  blame weather 5.46   Blame the weather.
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