black man 105.46   Yeah right blacker than a black man.
  black woman 56.22   Black women reject him.
  black smoke 50.89   Black smoke rising.
  black people 42.66   Black people are loud.
  black community 38.25   ...the traditions of the black community.
  black student 33.31   Black students complained.
  black voter 32.06   Black voters stayed home.
  black leader 30.88   Black leaders agreed.
  black leather 27.65   Black leather?
  black hair 21.92   ...sleek black hair.
  black church 21.20   He prayed in black churches.
  black dress 20.28   I chose a black dress.
  black child 19.03   Four black children died.
  black suit 14.88   Black suit.
  black player 14.68   Black players.
  black bean 14.42   Add black beans.
  black township 13.96 townships located on the fringes of the city.
  black neighborhood 11.98   It is the quality denied to black neighborhoods.
  black family 11.85   I blame it on black families.
  black pant 11.45   They all wear black pants and shoes.
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