bit be 19.68   Bits are bits.
  bit bite 4.15   Bit by bit, Hoyt compromises.
  bit come 1.65   The last bit comes as a surprise.
  bit have 0.86   That bit will have to stay out.
  bit make 0.66   You know, you know what bit made me laugh?
  bit go 0.53   The big bit goes.
  bit become 0.39   As you become more comfortable with the fundamentals, the complicated bits become easier.
  bit like 0.39   Yeah, a bit like, yeah.
  bit seem 0.39   Bits of conversation seem important.
  bit involve 0.33   Actually, the funniest bit involves projectile vomiting.
  bit say 0.33   What does this bit say?
  bit work 0.33   That bit worked.
  bit begin 0.26   Dickinson was the last to empty his tins, and so he was the top plane when bits of wood began spitting in all directions.
  bit do 0.26   Not sure which bit does what?
  bit fall 0.26   This bit also falls flat when it is stretched too far and re-enacted as a skit.
  bit give 0.26   I like the bolder flavor the bits give.
  bit surprise 0.26   Not a bit surprised.
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