biotechnology company 31.67   Biotechnology companies declined for a second day.
  biotechnology industry 7.57   The biotechnology industry expressed dismay.
  biotechnology stock 4.81   Biotechnology stocks also did well.
  biotechnology firm 4.41   Biotechnology firms also rose.
  biotechnology drug 1.51   Then came the failures of a few high-profile biotechnology drugs.
  biotechnology product 1.25   But he said that the review of biotechnology products was not as laudable.
  biotechnology research 1.18   The site is a hotbed of biotechnology research and development.
  biotechnology sector 1.05   Has invested heavily in the biotechnology sector.
  biotechnology group 0.92   Q. Why has the biotechnology group held up as well as it has?
  biotechnology share 0.86   Other biotechnology shares rose.
  biotechnology executive 0.79   ZymoGenetics has some veteran biotechnology executives on its board.
  biotechnology concern 0.72   Like many other small biotechnology concerns, it attracts investors with promise, not profits.
  biotechnology analyst 0.66   It is actively seeking a biotechnology analyst.
  biotechnology issue 0.66   In late day trading, biotechnology issues provided significant strength.
  biotechnology business 0.53   Baxter said its biotechnology business reported strong growth.
  biotechnology center 0.53   It is building a new biotechnology research center in Wilmington now.
  biotechnology experiment 0.46   Astronauts also activated a range of biotechnology experiments Wednesday.
  biotechnology critic 0.39   The suit against the park service was filed by some biotechnology critics and environmentalists.
  biotechnology giant 0.39   Myers liked the long-term growth prospects of Amgen Inc., the Thousand Oaks, Calif.-based biotechnology giant.
  biotechnology field 0.33   In the biotechnology field, four gene therapies are in development.
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