biotech company 20.47   For biotech companies, patents are capital.
  biotech firm 10.34   Biotech firms tend to be small and young.
  biotech industry 6.98   The biotech industry was born.
  biotech stock 4.21   Just like biotech stocks.
  biotech crop 3.09   It is the only biotech crop not allowed in food.
  biotech corn 2.96   The biotech corn is banned in Japan, which is by far the biggest U.S. customer for corn.
  biotech food 2.24   Biotech food a hot potato for EU, but not Spain.
  biotech product 2.17   In April, a law went into effect in Japan requiring tests for biotech products.
  biotech sector 1.38   Investors fled the biotech sector.
  biotech drug 1.25   This was the first biotech drug made by a biotech firm.
  biotech executive 1.18   Biotech executives are too poor.
  biotech ingredient 0.99   Two U.S. baby-food makers even announced they no longer would use biotech ingredients.
  biotech variety 0.92   Biotech varieties of corn and soybeans are already in use.
  biotech research 0.86   Sixteen states use tobacco settlement money for biotech research and development.
  biotech startup 0.72   The students break into groups to write business plans for biotech startups.
  biotech analyst 0.66   Now, some biotech analysts are questioning that premise.
  biotech giant 0.59   Such major biotech giants as California-based Amgen and Genentech are already in this business.
  biotech boom 0.53   Will the same turn out to be true for the biotech stock boom?
  biotech fund 0.53   Last year biotech funds shot up.
  biotech community 0.46   But to the biotech community, they signaled a symbolically important shift.
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