biological weapon 52.60   But producing biological weapons is one thing.
  biological agent 11.32   Anthrax is a deadly biological agent.
  biological parent 9.08   He has never met his biological parents.
  biological attack 6.52   Such training could be irrelevant in a biological attack.
  biological father 6.12   He never knew his biological father.
  biological mother 4.08   He has kept in touch with his biological mother.
  biological diversity 3.42   Biological diversity requires space.
  biological research 2.83   Biological research is another important site of anxiety.
  biological material 2.63   There was no semen or other biological material to test for DNA.
  biological child 2.37   Blackwell had no biological children.
  biological process 2.24   What biological process is at work?
  biological terrorism 1.91   The problem is biological terrorism.
  biological science 1.78   But it will almost certainly cast important new light on basic biological science.
  biological evidence 1.71   In this case, biological evidence abounded.
  biological system 1.71   Other biological cleaning systems have proved useful.
  biological basis 1.65   Alcoholism has a biological basis like hypertension.
  biological activity 1.51   Both peptides have essentially identical biological activities.
  biological evolution 1.51   Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.
  biological toxin 1.45   FBI agents acknowledge they never found a weapon or any biological toxins during their raid.
  biological resource 1.38   The implications Nijhar speaks of lie in how we manage biological resources.
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