better be 4.67   Is that better is it?
  better luck 0.92   Wannstedt has had better luck.
  better chance 0.59   But the Sox would have a better chance to be there with him than without him.
  better do 0.53   Companies that have done better have done so by finding faster-growing niches.
  better place 0.53   What better place to get people to listen?
  better get 0.46   No better get them several portions.
  better have 0.39   I felt better having better visualization.
  better serve 0.39   Also, are my present investments wise, and if not, where might my money better serve me?
  better deal 0.33   Shearer is not specific on what he thinks would have been a better deal.
  better know 0.33   I felt better knowing that.
  better shoot 0.33   But what the remaining Spurs needed Saturday was a better shooting eye and a functioning brain.
  better buy 0.26   By the numbers, Fox offered a far better buy.
  better job 0.26   Computer skill is essential to finding a better job someday, she says.
  better take 0.26   No-one knows better what it takes to make a championship-winning team.
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