benefit package 9.35   We offer an excellent benefits package.
  benefit plan 7.24   The health benefits plan needs to be restructured.
  benefit program 6.52   Other benefit programs will be lightly affected.
  benefit concert 6.39   A Beach Boys benefit concert was a big bust.
  benefit manager 4.67   The drug benefit managers do perform valuable services.
  benefit cut 4.34   There is no serious discussion of an across-the-board benefit cut.
  benefit cost 4.02   Benefit costs are rising.
  benefit payment 2.83   GM has challenged benefits payments.
  benefit level 2.37   States could set their own benefit levels and eligibility criteria.
  benefit system 2.11   She said there was already an element of compulsion in the benefit system.
  benefit check 1.78   I operated the check machine that sorted the canceled benefits checks.
  benefit claim 1.51   The increase was the fourth boost in five weeks for benefits claims.
  benefit consultant 1.25   Benefits consultants, who compare costs in various industries, agree.
  benefit company 1.05   Aggressive training benefits companies as well as workers, said Doyle.
  benefit performance 1.05   The benefit performances extend through Sunday.
  benefit show 1.05   She is also planning to do a benefit fashion show.
  benefit dinner 0.92   That night, she attended a benefit dinner at the Arizona Biltmore.
  benefit increase 0.86   Benefit increases for current retirees would be slowed.
  benefit reduction 0.86   He said one of the main sticking points is benefit reductions.
  benefit game 0.72   Bernstein also arranged a benefit softball game between NASCAR and NHRA drivers.
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