beneficial effect 7.64   Yet the fires bring some beneficial effects.
  beneficial insect 3.03   Some, like buckwheat, attract beneficial insects.
  beneficial rain 1.51   Forecasts for beneficial rains in the Midwest also helped weaken prices.
  beneficial relationship 1.18   It was a mutually beneficial relationship.
  beneficial interest 0.79   She had no beneficial interest whatsoever from the winnings.
  beneficial bacterium 0.66   Some researchers say douching may flush away beneficial bacteria.
  beneficial owner 0.66   Burnison is president and a beneficial owner of CBD.
  beneficial result 0.66   The trip was to have beneficial results despite this.
  beneficial impact 0.53   Just how big is the beneficial impact of a Lojack system on overall theft rates?
  beneficial use 0.53   Is full beneficial use selling water to south state cities and farms?
  beneficial weather 0.53   Beneficial weather in South American growing regions has increased prospects for record crops there.
  beneficial bug 0.39   Why do beneficial bugs stick around?
  beneficial change 0.39   Exercise promotes beneficial changes in the body.
  beneficial nematode 0.39   And then there are beneficial nematodes -- microscopic, wormlike, parasitic creatures.
  beneficial organism 0.39   It washes out the beneficial organisms.
  beneficial trade 0.39   Almost half view foreign trade as beneficial to California.
  beneficial aspect 0.33   On the other hand, it may also represent a so far overlooked beneficial aspect of NO.
  beneficial form 0.33   The most beneficial forms of exercise, he says, engage both.
  beneficial role 0.33   But other insects that feed on native plants serve less obviously beneficial roles.
  beneficial activity 0.26   This week, we will look at how to develop this very beneficial activity into an automatic habit.
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