benchmark index 18.76   So is the Philippine benchmark index.
  benchmark rate 5.00   TXU spokesman Chris Schein praised the benchmark rates.
  benchmark yield 4.21   Bonds rose initially, sending the benchmark yield to a new low.
  benchmark stock 4.02   All benchmark stocks fell.
  benchmark bond 3.36   The price of benchmark bonds also fell.
  benchmark price 1.18   The FCC seeks to set benchmark prices to narrow the gap.
  benchmark security 1.18   They purchased government benchmark securities.
  benchmark share 1.05   Other benchmark shares rose.
  benchmark average 0.66   The benchmark average was led lower by Merck and Coke.
  benchmark test 0.66   It outperforms the Intel chip in many benchmark tests.
  benchmark company 0.53   Netscape, a benchmark company in the market for the Internet, the global computer network, led the gainers.
  benchmark level 0.39   Time Inc. receives a management fee and profits above a benchmark level are shared.
  benchmark crude 0.33   The Nymex would have a trading pit for Brent, the benchmark crude on the IPE, and gasoil, the IPE distillate contract.
  benchmark currency 0.33   That suggests the euro will be weak when it replaces the mark, the current benchmark currency in Europe.
  benchmark government 0.33   Rates on four-year fixed-rate auto loans were little changed in the past week, as yields on benchmark government securities fell.
  benchmark issue 0.33   Indeed, yields on several benchmark issues reached all-time lows in early trading.
  benchmark market 0.33   Gilts often follow the lead of U.S. Treasury market, which functions as the global benchmark credit market.
  benchmark product 0.33   Pulp is a benchmark forestry product used to make higher-value products like paper and tissue.
  benchmark borrowing 0.26   Stocks got a boost after the FOMC left benchmark U.S. borrowing costs unchanged.
  benchmark event 0.26   Five benchmark events occurred inside a season since Rupert Murdoch took over, and the Dodgers won four times.
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