behead man 4.15   One man was beheaded.
  behead people 0.99   There were murders, and people were being beheaded.
  behead victim 0.99   Many victims were beheaded.
  behead hostage 0.92   At least four other hostages have been beheaded.
  behead militant 0.66   The four militants were beheaded in May.
  behead captive 0.53   It also has beheaded some captives.
  behead four 0.46   The four were beheaded weeks later.
  behead woman 0.46   If convicted, the women could be beheaded.
  behead convict 0.39   Convicts are beheaded in public with a sword.
  behead teacher 0.33   Most were freed, reportedly for huge ransoms paid by Libya, but two Filipino teachers were beheaded.
  behead trafficker 0.33   Convicted drug traffickers are publicly beheaded.
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