bear in 20.54   So that might be worth bearing in mind.
  bear of 3.23   Nicknames borne of great deeds.
  bear out_of 1.12   He promised entertainment borne out of hard work.
  bear by 0.72   And who knows, maybe my tomato plants will bear by the end of the summer.
  bear from 0.66   This aversion is borne from practical experience.
  bear aloft 0.53   Having been borne aloft on the boom years, airlines will be hurt when times get bad.
  bear down 0.46   I just have to bear down myself.
  bear through 0.46   Sunday, the flame was borne through the boroughs of New York.
  bear against 0.33   Threats of lawsuits were also brought to bear against the San Francisco theater that showed the film.
  bear as 0.33   Sometimes the destruction of material things was almost as hard to bear as death.
  bear along 0.26   The sound of music was borne along on the wind.
  bear at 0.26   The similarities were more than I could bear at the time.
  bear into 0.26   The punctured door was carried from its hinges and borne into the room.
  bear than 0.26   Somehow that was easier to bear than a son.
  bear within 0.26   Papayas bear within a year after being planted from seed.
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