bay area 5.60   Bay area residents remember the crash.
  bay scallop 1.84   Clearly, bay scallops are in his blood.
  bay colt 1.38   The bay colt sticks out a pink slab.
  bay water 0.86   Dolphins bobbed in bay waters on our way there.
  bay side 0.66   The bay side of the Cape, by contrast, is spotty.
  bay view 0.59   How about one with a Bay view?
  bay door 0.53   The ambulance bay doors hissed open.
  bay bottom 0.39   Bay bottom.
  bay son 0.39   One of them was Favorite Trick, a dark bay son of Phone Trick.
  bay filly 0.33   J.S. Moss and his wife purchased the bay filly.
  bay region 0.33   The Southwestern Regional Government is based in Baidoa, the capital of Bay region.
  bay resident 0.33   Bay Area residents increasingly are jumping on the kosher brand wagon.
  bay firm 0.26   Bay Area biotech firms have also been on the buy side of the merger binge.
  bay lawmaker 0.26   Bay Area lawmakers comment on Medicare vote.
  bay mare 0.26   She held on until Captain Steve charged to the front and drew clear of the bay mare.
  bay shrimp 0.26   A loaf of sourdough bread or a bay shrimp cocktail.
  bay tributary 0.26   Scientists say the nutrients wash into bay tributaries after heavy rains.
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