battlefield loss 2.30   A major battlefield loss in South Lebanon could doom the talks.
  battlefield enemy 1.71   Not long ago, many were battlefield enemies.
  battlefield success 1.65   Battlefield successes have surprised even the administration.
  battlefield advance 1.18   But the Croats, cocky after a series of battlefield advances, spurned the offer.
  battlefield victory 1.18   In public, Serb bravado over battlefield victories still wins out.
  battlefield gain 1.05   In recent days, the SPLA has made battlefield gains in south Sudan near the Ugandan border.
  battlefield foe 0.99   Battlefield foes marshal tens of thousands in election rallies.
  battlefield casualty 0.92   Battlefield casualties are unknown.
  battlefield setback 0.79   It was the sixth church destroyed in recent weeks, apparently in retaliation for battlefield setbacks.
  battlefield commander 0.72   Only one senior figure, the battlefield commander Ta Mok, remains at large.
  battlefield commission 0.72   Williams willingly accepted the battlefield commission.
  battlefield situation 0.59   He reappeared as soon as the battlefield situation improved.
  battlefield condition 0.53   It involves classrom teaching under simulated battlefield conditions.
  battlefield defeat 0.53   His dismissal followed major battlefield defeats in the war.
  battlefield detainee 0.46   U.S. officials have not decided if they qualify as POWs, and calls them battlefield detainees.
  battlefield promotion 0.39   And this was a battlefield promotion, too.
  battlefield site 0.39   One actress, a Civil War buff, has a second home in Virginia so she can visit cemeteries and battlefield sites.
  battlefield skill 0.39   Infantry classes refined battlefield skills.
  battlefield system 0.39   Another would be in battlefield management systems.
  battlefield tactics 0.39   They fall victim to their own battlefield tactics.
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