barren island 1.84   The barren island chain is claimed by China, Japan and Taiwan.
  barren land 1.84   Barren land.
  barren islet 1.65   The dispute over barren islets almost led to war between the two NATO members last year.
  barren hill 1.58   What is left are barren hills.
  barren landscape 1.58   It is now an utterly barren landscape.
  barren field 1.18   Their land is now a barren sand field.
  barren desert 1.05   Clouds of dark smoke rolled across the barren desert.
  barren ground 0.92   Runoff over barren ground was rapid, resulting in flooding.
  barren mountain 0.79   The isolated area is surrounded by vast deserts, thick forests and barren mountains.
  barren hillside 0.59   Beautiful flowers had sprung up on the barren hillside.
  barren plain 0.59   The locations range from deserts to jungles to barren plains.
  barren tree 0.59   Barren trees highlight the landscape.
  barren rock 0.53   So the planet remained a barren rock.
  barren region 0.46   In this barren region, bus stops are powerful magnets for economic activity.
  barren hilltop 0.39   With few natural forests Israel expends much effort to plant barren hilltops.
  barren patch 0.39   The course itself is pockmarked with barren patches.
  barren slope 0.39   On a barren slope north of Tehran, Farahani and a few other female fliers prepare to paraglide down the mountain.
  barren steppe 0.39   Alexander Lazutkin and Vasily Tsibliyev piloted their Soyuz capsule to a safe landing in the barren steppes of Kazakhstan.
  barren stretch 0.39   The barren stretch of land is uninhabitable and offers no known material resources.
  barren woman 0.39   It can make a barren woman fertile.
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