banned substance 36.08   ...a banned substance.
  banned weapon 15.73   Iraq has said it has destroyed all its banned weapons.
  banned drug 12.57   Hamburger claims he never has used banned drugs.
  banned group 7.04   Germany carried it on a list of banned groups.
  banned list 3.75   Poultry was on the banned list at the time.
  banned steroid 3.42   Touretski is accused of possessing the banned steroid Stanozolol.
  banned stimulant 3.42   She tested positive for the banned stimulant ephedrine.
  banned party 2.90   Leaders of the banned party were arrested last night.
  banned material 2.57   Butler repeatedly has accused Iraq of hiding banned material.
  banned organization 1.97   Syria also agreed to consider the party a banned organization.
  banned nandrolone 1.91   The federation said Longo tested positive for the banned nandrolone steroid.
  banned book 1.84   Read a banned book first chance you get.
  banned opposition 1.78   Wu was a founding member of a banned opposition party.
  banned movement 1.58   Kucuk was a suspected member of a banned Communist movement.
  banned diuretic 1.51   Four other Chinese swimmers tested positive for banned diuretics and were suspended.
  banned item 1.51   Travelers are not permitted to enter China with banned items.
  banned missile 1.38   The United Nations fears that Iraq could secretly begin making banned long-range missiles at the factories.
  banned hormone 0.99   It has similar properties to the banned hormone erythropoietin, or EPO.
  banned product 0.92   Abuse of some banned products can cause serious health problems, even death.
  banned newspaper 0.86   Iran frees director of banned liberal newspaper after four weeks in detention.
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