bang head 7.70   They banged heads.
  bang drum 4.34   Bang drums.
  bang fist 1.71   Bang my fists!
  bang knee 1.58   I fell and banged my knee, and it really hurts.
  bang gavel 1.45   Jackson yelled as the judge banged his gavel.
  bang stick 1.18   When Koivu went to the bench, he slammed the door and banged his stick in frustration.
  bang body 0.92   I think it was good for us to get in and bang bodies.
  bang pot 0.79   The crowd cheered, banging pots and tossing confetti into the air.
  bang door 0.66   Sherman banged the door shut.
  bang ball 0.59   He continues to bang balls and work on his game.
  bang shut 0.53   The window banged shut.
  bang table 0.53   It really echoes when you bang the table.
  bang helmet 0.46   They all had banged their helmets into a wall of crimson and gold.
  bang shot 0.46   Jamie Allison then banged a shot off the crossbar late in the period.
  bang pan 0.39   She banged some pans together just behind his head, and he did not react.
  bang shoe 0.39   President Vladimir Putin banged no shoes and threw no drunken fits.
  bang foot 0.33   They banged their feet and clapped their hands.
  bang puck 0.33   In the confusion, Rosa banged the puck past Hextall from in front of the crease.
  bang club 0.26   When Tiger, still a preschooler, would hit a bad shot, he would bang his club on the ground.
  bang racket 0.26   Upset over netting so many balls, he banged his racket on the court several times.
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