balloon be 6.39   Where are the balloons?
  balloon have 1.84   Each balloon had a crew of two.
  balloon fly 1.38   Black balloons flew from the bumper.
  balloon cross 1.25   The Pacific had been crossed by balloon only twice before.
  balloon take 1.25   The balloon took off without him last month.
  balloon float 0.92   That is the height at which the balloons float past.
  balloon land 0.92   No balloon may land during its flight.
  balloon come 0.86   The first burned when the balloon came down in northern Texas.
  balloon go 0.79   The balloon suddenly went bang.
  balloon rise 0.79   The balloons rose into the pale blue sky.
  balloon fall 0.66   Balloons fell.
  balloon pop 0.59   A balloon popped.
  balloon continue 0.53   Or the balloon could continue to Burma and Laos, without hope of completing the circuit.
  balloon drift 0.46   The balloon had drifted over the border from Poland.
  balloon travel 0.46   Beijing had given permission for the ICO Global balloon to travel only over southernmost China.
  balloon lose 0.39   The balloon gradually lost altitude as we deflated it and came in to land.
  balloon begin 0.33   But this spring, the balloon began to leak.
  balloon carry 0.33   To keep from descending, the balloons must carry ballast, which is ejected at night.
  balloon complete 0.33   Pride is evident as balloon completes its orbit.
  balloon crash 0.33   Another balloon crashes.
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