baht be 2.44   The Thai baht was unchanged.
  baht continue 1.32   Meanwhile, the baht continues to slide.
  baht fall 1.12   As the baht fell, so did Thai stocks.
  baht float 0.66   Last week the Thai central bank allowed the baht to float.
  baht lose 0.66   The baht has lost about half its value since summer.
  baht make 0.66   A weaker baht makes Thai exports cheaper.
  baht strengthen 0.66   If the negotiations are successful, the baht should strengthen to a certain degree.
  baht become 0.53   An important factor is for the baht to become stable.
  baht weaken 0.53   The Thai baht also weakened further against the dollar.
  baht plunge 0.46   The baht plunged and is now near record lows.
  baht stabilise 0.46   Olarn Chaipravat, president of Siam Commercial Bank, said he could not say when the baht will stabilise.
  baht remain 0.33   The baht will remain weak, but will be stable against the greenback, Somkiat believes.
  baht slide 0.33   As the baht slid, most regional currencies tumbled.
  baht recover 0.26   Ergo, now is the time to look for value and wait for the baht to recover.
  baht stabilize 0.26   Mitsuzuka said he expected the baht to stabilize soon.
  baht tumble 0.26   The baht had not tumbled as deeply as the rupiah did last week.
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