baffle police 1.32   Disappearances baffle police.
  baffle expert 1.05   Poor apparel sales continue to baffle the experts.
  baffle scientist 1.05   Scientists are still baffled by much that surrounds it.
  baffle investigator 0.66   Investigators are baffled by the break-ins.
  baffle authority 0.59   Two weeks after the shooting, authorities are still baffled by the murder.
  baffle official 0.59   Darren Benson continued to baffle Cowboys officials Tuesday.
  baffle hitter 0.53   Here was a game Oswalt all but gave to his teammates, consistently baffling Cards hitters.
  baffle doctor 0.46   The disease has baffled doctors, who are unable to treat it.
  baffle people 0.39   True, many people are baffled by their downcast neighbors.
  baffle analyst 0.33   The Australian dollar has analysts baffled.
  baffle opponent 0.33   Kaiserslautern again played ugly, but baffled another opponent by emerging with three points at home.
  baffle researcher 0.33   These numbers baffle cancer researchers.
  baffle most 0.26   But his words baffled most of those in the courtroom.
  baffle observer 0.26   But he has baffled international observers with the delay in officially assuming power.
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