backlash be 8.29   Backlash be damned.
  backlash begin 1.18   A backlash began.
  backlash come 1.05   The backlash came in April.
  backlash occur 0.53   When backlash occurs.
  backlash follow 0.46   The backlash followed.
  backlash have 0.46   But the backlash has bit and bit hard.
  backlash brew 0.39   A backlash may be brewing.
  backlash set_in 0.33   And a backlash could be setting in.
  backlash develop 0.26   A huge backlash has already developed against bioengineered crops.
  backlash grow 0.26   The backlash grew Wednesday with conservative activist Gary Bauer urging McCain to apologize.
  backlash take 0.26   But a backlash has taken shape in some places.
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