backcourt mate 0.72   But Nelson picked up the slack for backcourt mate Dupay.
  backcourt player 0.59   Or that Kobe Bryant is still viewed as the best backcourt player from Philadelphia.
  backcourt violation 0.46   Seemingly at worst, the Sonics faced a backcourt violation.
  backcourt depth 0.33   But the backcourt depth for the Americans is complicated by knee problems.
  backcourt help 0.33   They needed backcourt help.
  backcourt partner 0.33   First, backcourt partner Jerod Haase continued to struggle in search of his shot.
  backcourt combination 0.26   It was also a stunning turnaround for their make-or-break backcourt combination of Steve Francis and Cuttino Mobley.
  backcourt play 0.26   The backcourt play seems to be the only vulnerable spot in the UMass game.
  backcourt rotation 0.26   And it leaves the Lakers with a precariously thin backcourt rotation.
  backcourt star 0.26   The exception is Hadezhda Marilova, backcourt star from a year ago.
  backcourt tandem 0.26   The backcourt tandem of Mike Bibby and Simon spurred the run.
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