avenge death 9.02   Death avenges death.
  avenge loss 4.28   He later avenged the loss.
  avenge killing 4.02   Iran has vowed to avenge the killing.
  avenge attack 1.91   As expected, Hamas leaders promised to avenge the attack.
  avenge defeat 1.71   One painful World Cup defeat has been avenged.
  avenge murder 0.92   Mass murder to avenge mass murder?
  avenge assassination 0.79   The Islamic Jihad has also vowed to avenge the assassination in October in Malta of its leader Fathi Shakaki.
  avenge capture 0.59   Tribesmen from his desert hometown of Quetta swore to avenge the capture.
  avenge bombing 0.46   The slayings were ordered to avenge a bombing by Rome resistance fighters.
  avenge father 0.46   Instead, he blames Hamlet for deciding to avenge his father.
  avenge assault 0.26   But most residents fled after repeated artillery attacks by Israeli gunners aimed at avenging guerrilla assaults on their outpost.
  avenge crime 0.26   He materializes with offers to avenge crimes in which the bad guy escaped justice.
  avenge humiliation 0.26   Certainly, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had a motive for the bombing -- to avenge his humiliation in the Gulf War.
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