autonomy for 35.42   Goodbye autonomy for the Kosovo Albanians.
  autonomy in 28.44   Hong Kong has high autonomy in all other areas.
  autonomy to 17.38   All the world can do is tell him to give more autonomy to the Kosovars.
  autonomy from 14.29   Tibet has long sought greater autonomy from China.
  autonomy within 7.37   The rebels fight for autonomy within Turkey.
  autonomy of 6.06   The autonomy of a region is not even in the French culture.
  autonomy on 3.82   At present the member nations have autonomy on the issue.
  autonomy across 3.42   Israel and the Palestinians are neogtiating the spread of autonomy across the West Bank.
  autonomy over 3.03   He will have total autonomy over the soccer operation.
  autonomy as 2.44   The PFLP opposes Palestinian autonomy as a sell-out.
  autonomy than 1.25   And he is going to have more autonomy than at any time in his Celtic career.
  autonomy after 1.18   It will retain a high degree of autonomy after the handover.
  autonomy by 1.18   East Timorese to decide on autonomy by direct ballot.
  autonomy under 1.05   Harris is to maintain its name and autonomy under the terms of the deal.
  autonomy with 1.05   A Belgian talking greater autonomy with a Welsh nationalist.
  autonomy in_exchange_for 0.86   Tamils are to be given greater autonomy in exchange for peace.
  autonomy at 0.79   Chairman Irwin Lieber and president Barry Fingerhut will retain operational autonomy at their firm.
  autonomy throughout 0.79   Before the Fox Group purchased the Dodgers there was a feeling of autonomy throughout the organization.
  autonomy into 0.59   Tensions increased in recent weeks as Israel and the PLO move toward expanding autonomy into the West Bank.
  autonomy in_return_for 0.53   Beijing promises Taiwan autonomy in return for reunification.
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