autographed picture 2.76   Autographed pictures are sent to fan club members.
  autographed baseball 1.78   He treasures that autographed baseball.
  autographed photo 1.51 autographed photo of Clark Gable.
  autographed bat 0.92   The price he paid was an autographed bat.
  autographed ball 0.86   Autographed balls clutter a bookshelf.
  autographed copy 0.79   Fox told her she could get an autographed copy by submitting a written request.
  autographed jersey 0.79   Buy an autographed jersey.
  autographed football 0.66   He threw three autographed footballs into the crowd.
  autographed basketball 0.46   At rallies, his aides distribute autographed basketballs.
  autographed photograph 0.46   The value of Hollywood autographed photographs can vary widely.
  autographed memorabilia 0.39   With the growing sales in the autographed memorabilia business has come the obvious side effects.
  autographed book 0.33   Profits from the sales of autographed books at the two-day festival will go to public libraries across the state.
  autographed card 0.26   Personally autographed cards are a staple, too.
  autographed poster 0.26   Autographed posters drape walls that seem to be closing in.
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