authoritarian rule 13.10   But could authoritarian rule be reimposed?
  authoritarian regime 8.95   A thorough comparison of authoritarian regimes.
  authoritarian government 6.32   ...a popular uprising against the authoritarian government.
  authoritarian leader 4.81   Authoritarian leaders derail democracy.
  authoritarian president 2.63   Authoritarian president seeks integration with Russia.
  authoritarian state 1.78   Britain is not yet an authoritarian state.
  authoritarian style 1.71   His authoritarian style and stubbornness cost him support.
  authoritarian way 1.58   But Meciar has faced criticism for his authoritarian ways.
  authoritarian predecessor 1.38   Now, many grumble that he has adopted much of the imperial style of his authoritarian predecessors.
  authoritarian ruler 0.99   For Serbs, Milosevic is an authoritarian ruler, but not a tyrant.
  authoritarian tendency 0.99   His authoritarian tendencies were evident almost from the start.
  authoritarian policy 0.92   Authoritarian policies contributed to the boom in some nations.
  authoritarian system 0.92   As somebody who was raised in authoritarian systems, how did you become a democrat?
  authoritarian method 0.86   Diplomats have said the use of referendums signalled a return to authoritarian methods.
  authoritarian control 0.79   Residents appeared to take comfort in long-established traditions of authoritarian control.
  authoritarian past 0.79   Some vestiges of an authoritarian past remain.
  authoritarian leadership 0.66   Peruvians now are beginning to resent the authoritarian leadership style they once admired.
  authoritarian manner 0.66   Reform, he wrote, can be undertaken here only in an authoritarian manner.
  authoritarian power 0.59   He used the authoritarian powers to crush leftist guerrilla groups.
  authoritarian country 0.53   Vietnam remains an authoritarian country that imprisons political dissidents.
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