augment income 1.18   Any surplus was sold to augment their income.
  augment ascent 0.46   By Thursday, many of these storms will turn severe as a potent disturbance augments the ascent of the humid air.
  augment force 0.46   In any case, the U.S. ground forces were augmented.
  augment supply 0.39   This not only Augments the supply of visual aids, but is an excellent method of learning.
  augment fund 0.26   State universities are looking for money from businesses to Augment state funds.
  augment power 0.26   Just as impressive was the way the Mariners used their speed to augment their power.
  augment sound 0.26   The discordant sounds are augmented by visual dissonance.
  augment system 0.26   The bus and library systems also were augmented, she added.
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