attack target 19.16   Warplanes attacked targets near Kabul Wednesday.
  attack position 15.80   Opposition fighters also attacked Taliban positions.
  attack village 14.15   The village was attacked by rebel forces.
  attack police 11.45   Mobs set fire to cars and attacked police.
  attack troop 9.87   Rebels attack Russian troops.
  attack civilian 9.48   The army denied attacking civilians.
  attack force 8.23   We are still attacking their forces.
  attack town 7.11   The town was attacked at the weekend.
  attack home 6.32   Their home was attacked.
  attack woman 6.06   Then two women were attacked.
  attack base 5.92   Rebels attack pro-government base in Myanmar.
  attack people 5.92   They do not attack people.
  attack problem 5.86   Heston could have attacked that problem.
  attack camp 5.66   Rebel leader may attack refugee camp.
  attack convoy 5.66   The convoy was attacked.
  attack car 5.53   We attack armored cars.
  attack plan 5.46   Pataki quickly attacked the plan.
  attack rebel 5.33   Warplanes attack rebels.
  attack soldier 5.27   The soldiers were being attacked from every angle.
  attack man 5.20   Greaux did not know why they attacked the man.
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