atmosphere be 45.62   Atmosphere is also important.
  atmosphere prevail 3.95   A festival atmosphere prevails.
  atmosphere change 2.50   The atmosphere has changed.
  atmosphere remain 1.97   The atmosphere remained calm.
  atmosphere become 1.32   The atmosphere is becoming toxic.
  atmosphere seem 1.25   The bleak atmosphere seemed to invite thieves.
  atmosphere turn 1.18   But the atmosphere has turned darker.
  atmosphere make 1.05   Haynes fed off of it, saying the atmosphere made him better.
  atmosphere have 0.99   But the foul atmosphere had an impact.
  atmosphere improve 0.99   But the atmosphere will improve dramatically on Monday.
  atmosphere grow 0.79   At points, the serious atmosphere grows tiresome.
  atmosphere appear 0.66   The atmosphere appeared to lighten.
  atmosphere get 0.66   The atmosphere got edgier.
  atmosphere develop 0.59   A positive atmosphere developed overnight.
  atmosphere help 0.59   The casual atmosphere helps.
  atmosphere pervade 0.53   But the Stampede atmosphere pervades the city.
  atmosphere reign 0.53   A festive atmosphere reigned in most of Hebron.
  atmosphere begin 0.46   So its precious atmosphere began to change.
  atmosphere contrast 0.46   The amicable atmosphere contrasted with awkward moments in Beijing Wednesday.
  atmosphere warm 0.39   The atmosphere warms.
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