athlete be 39.04   All athletes are workers.
  athlete have 14.88   Every athlete has choices.
  athlete use 5.92   Athletes use them a lot.
  athlete compete 5.27   But let athletes compete.
  athlete do 5.00   The athletes do.
  athlete take 4.61   Athletes take the drug in tablets.
  athlete get 3.75   The athletes get full scholarships.
  athlete say 3.62   Few athletes can say that today.
  athlete test 3.49   Three other British athletes also tested positive.
  athlete make 3.42   Not all the athletes made the parade.
  athlete win 3.09   French athletes won with swords and bicycles.
  athlete go 2.83   All athletes go through it.
  athlete come 2.70   Olympic athletes come.
  athlete play 2.30   These athletes play to win.
  athlete face 2.17   Athletes face it every day.
  athlete know 2.04   Athletes know.
  athlete receive 2.04   The athletes received some outside support, as well.
  athlete become 1.97   Rightly or wrongly, athletes have become role models.
  athlete try 1.97   Some athletes try too hard.
  athlete need 1.91   Our athletes need to be reminded.
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